AD&D 1E Equipment List

I'm back again with some more AD&D 1e resources. This time, I present to you a (BtB!) equipment list derived from the values listed in both the PHB and DMG. You can find the spreadsheet here. Not everything has an encumbrance value given in 1e; unless I found it absolutely necessary to give an approximate value based on other entries, I left that entry blank.

For those interested in the equipment list I plan to use for my upcoming game, you can find that here. This is using my modified encumbrance system, weapons table, and armour table.

Let me know if you catch any errors, and happy gaming!


  1. Hi! Curious the source for differing damage for fist and foot? (IE, "hard boot" etc)

    1. The source: it came to me in a dream.

      In all serious, I have no idea! I couldn't find the source again, and indeed it is nowhere in the PHB or DMG, so I went ahead and removed it. Good catch! (I also made a few other fixes and changes.)

    2. Ah. Did you perhaps get them from the UWG file that Zardok was sharing at Dragonsfoot for a while? (And he listed his own sources.)

    3. I wish I could remember. It's been a while since I started working on this spreadsheet, but I may have had some source from Dragonsfoot as an aid. On a related note, Dragonsfoot is part of what inspired all these resources I've made: none of them were ever quite to my liking!


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